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How to Create a Package in WHM (cPanel)

Oct 19, 2022

How to Create a Package in WHM (cPanel)

As a reseller, you can create custom packages for your clients within WHM with specific resources assigned to each package.

For example, you can offer basic, essentials or premium packages — basic plans include the least amount of resources such as disk storage, number of email addresses and so on, whilst the premium packages include more resources.


Follow these steps to create a package within your cPanel reseller:


1. Log in to your WHM account. Click here for instructions on logging in to your WHM account via cPanel.

Screenshot: WHM Login Page


2. Once logged in, click the Packages dropdown on the left-hand side, then select Add Package.

Screenshot: WHM Dashboard


3. You can begin creating your package by filling out the following details.


Creating Packages
Screenshot: Creating a Package — Package Name
  • Package name: The name you wish to name the package you are creating. i.e. Basic plan



Screenshot: Creating a Package — Resources

  • Disk Quota: The amount of storage you want to be associated with the package. i.e. 10240 MB (10GB)
  • Monthly Bandwidth Limit: Bandwidth measures the amount of data the account can transfer.
  • Max FTP accounts: Number of FTP accounts that the user can create on this package.
  • Max Email accounts: The number of email accounts that the user can create on the account.
  • Max Mailing Lists: The number of mailing lists the account can create.
  • Max SQL Databases: The number of databases an account can create.
  • Max Sub Domains: The number of subdomains an account can create.
  • Max Parked Domains: The number of park domains an account can have.
  • Max Addon Domains: The number of domains the user can add to an account.
  • Max Passenger Applications: The number of passenger applications an account can have.
  • Maximum Hourly Email by Domain Relayed: The number of emails a domain can send.
  • Maximum percentage of failed or deferred messages a domain may send per hour: This option specifies the maximum percentage of failed/deferred emails a domain may send per hour before protections are triggered.
  • Max Quota per email address: An email’s maximum storage size within the account.

Screenshot: Creating a Package — Settings

  • Dedicated IP: If you have a dedicated IP associated with your reseller, you can set the package to use the dedicated IP when assigned to an account. 
  • Shell Access: The SSH network protocol allows you to connect to another web server over the internet via a command line interface (CLI). You can use this network protocol to manage your server remotely, configure CGIscripts, and perform other tasks. (This option is not enabled, if you require shell access for a specific account, please raise a support ticket to our team.)
  • CGI Access: The common gateway interface (CGI) is a standard way for a Web server to pass a Web user’s request to an application program and to receive data back to forward to the user. (recommended to leave this option enabled)
  • Digest Authentication at account creation: Enables Digest Authentication support for Web Disk access over a clear text or unencrypted connection. Users with Microsoft® Windows Vista®, Windows® 7, and Windows® 8 operating systems (not required)
  • cPanel Theme: You can choose which theme the cPanel accounts are on upon creation or when an existing account has this package applied to it.
  • Feature List: The feature list establishes what functions the cPanel account will have.
  • Locale: Select the language that will operate within the account.


4. Once you have configured your options, click the Save Changes button at the bottom.

Screenshot: Creating a Package — Save Changes


Click here to view DreamIT Host’s cPanel Reseller Web Hosting plans.
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