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Ideas for Creating Professional Email Addresses

Dec 01, 2021

Ideas for Creating Professional Email Addresses

Creating Professional Email Addresses

Your email address is, without a doubt, the first thing that describes you online. You may say it’s like your business card. In a lot of circumstances, it stands for the first impression you make when engaging in a transaction for your business. Therefore, having a professional email address is important.

Without a doubt, you are still attached to the email address you used in high school. You know, the ones that used a lot of numbers at the end. While there’s no conduit code for the username you use in your email address, you can’t just use that when applying for a job for example.

You can’t just go and create professional email addresses using any of the free or paid email providers. Why? Most likely it’s because the username is already taken.

Hence, you will need your personal domain and email hosting. You can purchase one from DreamIT Host. We offer everything you need to set up your email address for your business. With hundreds of customers and five-star reviews, we are one of the best Australian email hosting providers. You can even bundle up to 10 addon domains on your email plan.

Let’s go over a few examples of how professional email addresses should look.


Examples of Professional Email Addresses

Although there are no written rules, we compiled a list of the most common ways people create their email handles.


Using only your first name

Using your first name is the simplest way to go. If your name is john, then john@example.com stands for a good way to go. You can also use your brand name, when possible.


Using first and last name

You will see a lot of business emails in the format of john.doe@example.com. This is usually the best way to create your email alias. Prospects usually want to know the full name of the individual they are talking with. It also helps clients look you up on social networks, like LinkedIn.


Using initials with names

If you want the focus to be on your last name more, just use an initial instead of your first name. Make it look something like this j.doe@example.com.


Use generic email handles for your business emails

This is by far the best way to make use of your business name when creating your business email address. You can’t go wrong with info@example.com, sales@example.com, or office@example.com. We even suggest you seriously consider using hello@example.com. It’s easy to communicate and spell it when someone doesn’t understand what you are saying.


Getting a Personal Domain for Your Business

Business emails need a personal domain. No one is going to take you seriously with an email using yahoo or Gmail. One of the best providers for email hosting in Australia is DreamIT Host. We also offer business email hosting.

Our cheapest plan offers you the possibility to send 100 emails per hour. If that’s not enough, we offer plans with higher resources that let you send up to 250 emails per hour. That’s 6000 emails in a day.

Our domain and email hosting plans are available for almost any budget. If you are looking for true Australian email hosting, then DreamIT Host is the perfect choice for you and your professional email addresses.

Hosting emails with us comes with great value plans with a range of features, dedicated customer service, scalability, security, and customisation to cater to small and large businesses.

All plans include premium inbound and outbound relay, daily backups, and email archives. If you are using iOS, we also offer instant notifications.

Once you are done setting everything up, you can use and monitor your new professional business email using DreamIT Host’s premium webmail client.

Click here to view DreamIT Host’s Email Hosting plans.
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